CEF 5-Day Club

August 5-9, 2:30pm - 4:30pm

You're invited! Child Evangelism Fellowship missionaries will be holding a 5 - Day Club for pre-school and elementary children August 5th-9th at Blue Course Community Church.

Come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ!

Questions? Contact us!

CEF 5-Day Club

August 5-9, 2:30-4:30pm

You're invited! Child Evangelism Fellowship missionaries will be holding a 5 - Day Club for pre-school and elementary children August 5th-9th at Blue Course Community Church.

Come and hear the good news of Jesus Christ!

Questions? Contact the church office!

Out of the Cold Open House

We love to support Out of the Cold here in Centre County. They are excited to open their renovated facility at 318 South Atherton and have invited anyone to check it out. Below are the open house dates.

Sunday, Aug. 27: 2-4pm

Monday, Aug. 28: 5-7pm

Friday, Sept. 1: 11am - 1pm

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...


College Age (18-24)

The College Ministry is an environment to grow in your relationship with God and with others through weekly gatherings, friendships and events throughout the year. We believe that community is essential to spiritual growth and vitality.





We used to be

Completely Broken

We used to be completely broken. But now are grateful for undeserved redemption, astonished by amazing Grace, healed by forgiveness, humbled by the divine invitation to be included in the greatest cause on earth. The realization of this truth is what inspires us to worship the Lord for he is worthy of all our praise


"but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."

Ephesians 4:15-16

We serve

The perfect God

We serve a good and perfect God. The nations are His dwelling and our lives are His vessels. We have compassion for the poor, and our hearts are open to the rich. We believe God wants to prosper those who believe and are generous for His purpose. There are many ways to get involved with serving at Voyage. Wether you give financially, or give with your time, gifts and talents, we encourage you to be generous and spread the word of God in every way you can. Visit our "Ministry" page to check out our current serving opportunities.


Give to Voyage

God influences the world through his people. He gives to us so He can give through us. The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and willingly, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built; and you, in turn, are blessed by God so that you can give again.

Support a Cause